Sunday, November 9, 2014

Mile High Road via Avenida Miravilla

one many oak canopies near the start Mile High Road
Well, not quite a mile, the turn-a-round point is at about 4200'.  This has become the perfect 2 hour 25 mile bike ride.

beautiful pyracantha near the top
It takes me about 90 minutes to climb 2000' to the halfway point, with 1000' of climbing in the last 3 miles to the top. The 30+ minute ride home is almost entirely downhill with nice vistas most of the way down.

climbing with a view of the San Gorgonio Pass in the background
  This single lane road dead ends at a private ranch meaning there is little or no car traffic.  It is a very quiet lane with only sounds being the wind and the quail in the grass calling on each other.